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Posts Tagged ‘ Fat Loss ’

Lose Last 10 Pounds Of Belly Fat With This Treatment

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Looking for a belly fat treatment? We have to tell you something that might be shocking: there is a treatment that can make your life easier. 


The most frustrating part of getting fit is getting rid of the last 10 pounds. We know it can be hard to see the positivity in your body, but we hope the following article will help you feel better about yourself!

We understand that getting healthy can be challenging when you’ve got so much. Stubborn belly fat can lead to weight gain and body image issues. You might have heard that it’s all about diet and exercise, but it doesn’t work in the long term. The body’s compensatory mechanisms gradually undermine its ability to maintain weight loss. Even though diet & exercise increase calorie burn, the body will still attempt to maintain its set point weight. Even if exercise routines are maintained, it is difficult to maintain significant fat or weight loss by simply increasing physical activity.


3D HiFU: What is it & What are the Benefits?


3D HiFU (Skin Lifting) is the most advanced &  non-invasive tummy fat removal treatment that helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite and stubborn fat deposits.


This revolutionary approach uses ultrasound energy to break down and liquefy stubborn fats, which are then removed through natural bodily functions. The 3D-HiFU machine delivers targeted deep-tissue heating, which can help stimulate collagen production and improve circulation. 


This treatment is entirely safe! As long as you follow our recommendations, there will be no risk of injury or annoying side effects. There is no downtime; you can resume your work or normal activities immediately after the treatment session. 


Finally, it works! You will see results very quickly, even within the first few weeks, and continuously see improvements over time until your body gets rid of all the extra fat stored inside your body!


Trying (and failing) to lose those pesky 10 pounds for months? We present 3D Lifestyle, a team of highly trained professionals to assist you in getting the personal attention you deserve. Visit our nearest center, and we will work with you to help you achieve your belly fat reduction goals.


If you’re interested in trying out this tummy reduction treatment, Fill out this form to book a Free Consultation.

You can also call at 021 111 232 889.

Be a Fit Mom – Lose Postpartum Belly Fat

Tuesday, September 13th, 2022

Congratulations, you are a mom now! That’s marvelous!


Have you conceived your baby? But still, looks six months pregnant? Getting anxious to get back to your pre-pregnancy shape?


Like every baby bump, every post-baby belly looks a little different. In some cases, it deflates right after giving birth, while in other cases it remains hanging out for weeks, months, or years after birth. Don’t criticize your body for not getting over a drooping tummy. Your tummy muscles may be over-stretched during pregnancy, creating a bulge. It takes time for your body, especially your belly, to fully recover from pregnancy.


Can you revert your postpartum belly fat? Yes, WHY NOT!


How can you lose postpartum belly fat?

Don’t think of DIETING right after conceiving your little one. You need extra calories than usual to feed two lives.

Breastfeeding helps you burn calories more quickly and triggers contractions that help to shrink your womb, but your body fat can’t be controlled even if you breastfeed. Doing light exercises such as stretching and walking helps you to burn calories. But many moms don’t have time for it.


Have you heard of Moms who shaped back to their pre-pregnancy bodies only within weeks of giving birth? HOW?


3D Fat Reduction Treatments

Body Fat Reduction Treatments are ideal for achieving the postpartum figure you desire. 3D Lifestyle brings non-surgical and non-invasive body contouring treatments for you with no downtime & side effects.


With 3D Cavitation (Fat Melting) and Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing), you won’t need to exercise. One procedure (Cavitation) uses a thermal effect to heat the skin causing collagen tissues to relax and contract, creating a tightening and toning effect on the stomach & melting the fat at the same time. The other (Cryolipolysis) uses cold temperature to reduce fat deposits in certain areas of the body, ultimately removing the fat through the excretory system.


“Transforming to a postpartum body can be fantastic and having professional support can make all the difference”.

Visit our nearest 3D Clinic and snap back to the pre-pregnancy state in one fell swoop with our professional’s consultation,


For FREE Consultation, click here.

Exclude Extra Fat Layers: Ultrasonic Fat Melting Solution

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

Extra fat (especially) around the belly is becoming very common in Pakistan. According to the interesting stats by World Health Organization (WHO), 26% of Pakistani women are overweight and 19% of men in Pakistan are overweight. If you are a man and your waist is less than 40 inches, congrats you are healthy. Furthermore, if your waist is more than that, you will be in the obesity range. Also, if you are a woman and your waist is less than 35 inches you are a healthy person but if it’s more than this range you are going into the overweight category. 

How Can You Get An Effective Fat Loss Solution?

Every person who ever wanted to lose belly fat wished to have a magical solution that can help them to melt down pounds away. If you are the one who wished for any magical body fat reduction treatment, 3D Lifestyle can make your wishes true. *DRUMROLL* We have 3D Cavitation – Fat Melting Treatment for you. 

3D Cavitation Treatment

It’s an ultimate body fat reduction treatment that helps you to melt down the multiple fat layers under your skin. The melted fat is then excreted out from the body through a natural process of excretion. It is ideal for body contouring, it targets deep cellulite and helps melt down fat layers without any surgical procedure. 

With 3D Cavitation, you can lose up to 5 inches and can see visible results in a few sessions. There is one more thing to amaze you, it requires no downtime. 

Let’s stop these growing waistlines now before it gets too late. But remember, it’s never too late to start focusing on your health. Book a FREE CONSULTATION with our aesthetic consultants now.

NO Workout Fat Loss At 3D Lifestyle

Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

If you have been trying to lose weight with a workout then you’ll know how hard it must be to lift extra weight just to shred off a few pounds. People generally suggest that exercise helps you in fat loss. According to us, working out isn’t the only way to get fat-free.

Of course, we are not suggesting that one should stop doing any physical activity. Walking and doing light exercise are good for your health. People who stay idle are more likely to die from heart diseases than people who do light physical activities. 

Lifting extra weight is good for you when you want to increase your muscle size. 3D Lifestyle has multiple treatments by which you can lose extra fat without any exercise or workout. Yes, folks…this is true. 3D Lifestyle has some mind-blowing treatments by which you can literally lose up to 5 inches of fat.

These treatments are NON-SURGICAL, PAINLESS & with NO SIDE EFFECTS. Seems magical…huh? This is actually possible now. The world is upgrading, so should your ways of losing extra fat.

These treatments are for both males and females. 

3D Cavitation (Fat Melting)

3D Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

3D Cavitation treatment works best to reduce belly fat and for bum lift. You’ll notice that 24% of fat will be reduced soon after the first session of 3D Cavitation. 

In 3D Cryolipolysis or fat freezing treatment the temperature of the treatment area is dropped to -6 degrees. The fat in that area is crystallized. That frozen fat passes out through the body’s natural lymphatic system.

Pro tip for you: Stop eating unhealthy food after 3D fat melting and fat freezing treatments because it can slow down the fat loss process. Moreover, junk food isn’t good for your health either. 

So stop wasting your time in excessive exercises & BOOK FREE CONSULTATION to get these treatments. In the consultation, the doctor will suggest which fat loss treatment is best for you. 

Dial 021 111 232 889

3 Surprising Benefits Of Cucumber for Weight Loss

Wednesday, January 5th, 2022

A Fruit (Not A Vegetable!) with zero haters – cucumber. Loved equally by every kid and adult. It is generally used in salads or you have it with biryani (or any food you like). It can be your best go-to snack as well. Let’s try to know why cucumbers should be an important part of your diet and why they should be included in your weight loss resolution plan this year. 

Healthy & nutritious diet 

This fruit consists of 96% water. Imagine how much nutrition and hydration it must be giving to your body? A raw cucumber has zero fat and is enriched with vitamin C and Vitamin K. 

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which prevents you from chronic diseases, especially of the heart. It helps in lowering the blood pressure as well. 

Vitamin K helps in blood clotting and it’s good for bones. 

Cucumber has antioxidants to fight with free radicals (cell harming molecules). 

If you want to get a nutritious and healthy diet plan then visit 3D Lifestyle (3D NutriHealth). Nutritionists will recommend you customized healthy meals with all the vitamins and antioxidants according to your body type.

Fat Reduction 

An average cucumber has about 20-30 calories. Therefore it’s very beneficial if you are trying to lose weight. The best thing is that even if you consume large portions of cucumber, you won’t gain any weight.

In case you want to reduce fat from any body part instantly, get 3D Cryolipolysis from 3D Lifestyle. It’s a fat freezing treatment which helps you in bum lifting, reducing thigh gap & double chin and contouring other body parts as well.

Other benefits 

Sliced Cucumber everyday, keeps skin problems away. Cucumber has many skin benefits as well. It keeps the skin cool and soothes inflammation. It reduces the puffy eyes as well. Provides relief to sunburn as well. 

For instant fat loss, better diet plan and safe skincare get a FREE CONSULTATION at 3D Lifestyle. 

click here or Call @  021 111 232 889


Published Date: 5 Jan 2022

Melt that Belly Fat in 40 Minutes – Fat Loss

Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” this quote no longer applies to running on a treadmill for hours. Winter’s here and so is your warm clothes shopping (again) because last season’s wardrobe won’t fit anymore. That’s disappointing because sometimes Fat loss goals are hard to achieve but now possible with advanced aesthetic treatments. 

In desi culture, we’re obsessed with having everything with warm water for instant fat loss. Cumin seeds, Methi Dana, Sonf, ( comment down your current obsession) we just want to extract the juices of these spices and voila! – still no progress. 

Our Dados and Nanos had it easy for them – nonchalant about body image and just going with flow. Modern times is all about how you look and what looks good. Having a fat or bulky body is all good as long as it sits well with your health. Body positivity and losing weight can be often confused (as a topic for debate) hence, resulting in poor health. Lose it or keep it, present time demands us to have a healthy body for the 24/7 grind on a daily basis. 

3D Lifestyle meeting your Fat Loss needs

Speaking of present times, 3D Lifestyle provides you with multiple fat loss options without any pain or compromising health. Be it your belly fat or thigh bulge, Fat Freezing and Fat Melting treatments at 3D Lifestyle works wonders for every body type in just 40 minutes! You can see a visible difference in your reduced waist and fat just after the first session! 

Fat loss becomes a tad more exciting at 3D Lifestyle with FLAT 30% OFF, available right now!

Avail 20% OFF on all aesthetic treatments at 3D by booking consultation between 

10 AM – 1 PM. 

Limited time for exciting offers

So tick tock – BOOK the slot!

Call @ 021 111 232 889 for FREE CONSULTATION and Click Here.

Fat Loss: Is Bra Fat Caused By Tight Bras?

Thursday, November 25th, 2021

Some might refuse but the reality is that the first thing you notice after wearing the newly bought bra is your back. The fat overhanging under the bra band looks weird and embarrassing. All this can keep us from wearing an outstanding dress. Most of us have this confusion that bra fat is caused by tight bras. Let’s bust this myth today. We’ll discuss a way for extra fat removal on the back as well.

You can hide that extra fat under your favorite shirt but a time will come when your dress won’t be able to hide that bulge.  According to some people, keeping a straight posture can also help you with bra fat reduction. Does this hack sound okay to you? Not to us. Bra fat is caused by multiple reasons like;

Consuming foods with high calories. When excess fats and carbohydrates are unable to burn, they start showing signs on the body. Mostly the body parts which are affected by the intake of extra calories are the belly, breast, and back.

Sitting and doing no exercise or walking can also be a cause of bra bulge. One should do a little workout because it not only helps with fat reduction but keeps the body healthy too.

Let’s come to the real issue which is “Whether tight bras cause bra fat or not?”. Folks this is the reality. Basically, a tight bra is one of the causes of bra fat. When the bra is wrongly fitted, it causes irritation to your skin too. What you can do is to check the band size before buying a bra. If you are thinking that loose bras are okay, they have their own issues (if you know tell us in the comments).

Bra Fat Reduction at 3D Lifestyle

As the quote says  As you sow, so shall you reap. Now you have gained bra fat & its removal is not that easy. No worries, visit 3D Lifestyle. Fat melting and fat freezing treatments are all you need to say goodbye to not only bra fat but belly fat too. This winter, get instant fat reduction treatments and make your body ready for summer.

For FREE CONSULTATION call 021 111 232 889 or  Click Here.

3 Clean Eating Tips For Wellness & Fat Loss

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Eating clean means consuming whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Eating clean also includes NOT eating processed (junk) foods. For fat loss, clean eating is something you need in your life.

It’s an effective way to give all the nutrition your body needs. If you are looking to shred off some extra fat from your body, then say goodbye to convenient food first. Fat loss starts from the kitchen. What you consume is far more important than exercise in weight loss, 70% is what you eat and 30% is your exercise. So choose your food wisely.

Fat Loss Tips

According to nutritionists, clean and healthy foods are like high-class fuel, they provide antioxidants, proteins, and nutrition richness to our body making it healthy and strong. Below are a few weight loss tips you can follow to get a naturally contoured body.

Stop eating foods that are full of additives(MSG, Artificial Food Colouring, Artificial Sweeteners, etc.). If we say processed or additive foods, it includes all the foods that are in a box, packet, or bag (Chips, baked, & candied stuff ).

Avoid artificial sweeteners. They are chemicals that are added to different foods to give a sweet taste. You can have chocolate but instead of getting ‘sugar-free’ which is already full of artificial sweeteners, get some dark chocolate. It has minerals and antioxidants which reduce the risks of heart disease and help the brain to function properly.

Add whole foods to your diet plan. They are foods that can be generally consumed in their natural form. Below is a list of some whole food which can be easily brought from your local store.

  • Grain – Wheat, rice,  rolled oats, and barley.
  • Fruits and vegetables – You need all of them.
  • Beans – kidney beans, lima beans, split peas, chickpeas
  • Nuts – Peanuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds

3D Nutri Health At 3D Lifestyle

If you are a busy person then making a diet plan all by yourself is a little bit hard. 3D Lifestyle offers a diet plan for both weight gain and weight loss. Whether you have a double chin, belly fat bra fat, or hanging bingo wings, nutritionists at 3D Lifestyle offer you the best dieting plans you deserve. If you are looking for instant fat reduction treatment then go for fat-freezing or fat-melting treatment for different body parts.

What you have to do now is to book an appointment by calling 021 111 232 889  or  Click Here

Fat Loss & Hydrated Skin Together At 3D Lifestyle

Monday, November 8th, 2021

In today’s era being slim and smart is (kind of) impossible for a person who loves food (We’re all in this together 🙂 ). Being overweight is not an issue but the problems that come with it are unignorable. Heart diseases and diabetes eventually lead a person towards death. Obesity not only affects the body but it has drastic effects on the skin too. Fat loss is crucial for one who wants to live a long life.

If you are overweight then it’s a serious health problem. Obesity can shorten the lifespan of a person too. Body fat can influence your skin in multiple ways.

A person who consumes high-calorie foods not only gets fat but the skin is affected too. How? Samosas and Pakoras dipped in oil may look and taste yummy but the calories in them not only make you bulky but can create acne too. Additional oil and dead skin cells clog the skin’s pores, causing a blockage & preventing skin to breathe. When skin bacteria attacks, an inflamed pimple is created.

The person who is fat tends to sweat a lot and sweating is another way of getting pimples or rough skin. Going to a picnic on a sunny day is a delightful moment but you end up inviting sweat which eventually leads to skin blemish. The bacteria, heat, and friction make the pores congested and result in ‘sweat pimples’.

Excessive fat can also damage collagen production in the skin. Collagen helps in making the skin firm and tight. When there is not enough collagen, your skin becomes saggy. Fat removal may be a tiring process if you opt. for dieting. So what should you do?

Permanent Fat Loss Treatment At 3D Lifestyle

If you are looking for permanent fat reduction and the best skincare treatment, then 3D Lifestyle has a perfect offer for you. You can now get 3D Cavitation (fat melting treatment) and 3D HydraPlus Facial at the best discount possible. 3D HydraPlus is not like your simple HydraFacial at a salon. It consists of 11 Steps that not only hydrate your face but make it acne and oil-free. Now remove that belly fat and get perfect skin by grabbing these AMAZING OFFERS!!!

For more questions or FREE CONSULTATION ring us at 021 111 232 889 or Click Here


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    Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person based on active and strict observation of serving regimen and are not guaranteed.