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Posts Tagged ‘ Extra Fat ’

Lose Last 10 Pounds Of Belly Fat With This Treatment

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Looking for a belly fat treatment? We have to tell you something that might be shocking: there is a treatment that can make your life easier. 


The most frustrating part of getting fit is getting rid of the last 10 pounds. We know it can be hard to see the positivity in your body, but we hope the following article will help you feel better about yourself!

We understand that getting healthy can be challenging when you’ve got so much. Stubborn belly fat can lead to weight gain and body image issues. You might have heard that it’s all about diet and exercise, but it doesn’t work in the long term. The body’s compensatory mechanisms gradually undermine its ability to maintain weight loss. Even though diet & exercise increase calorie burn, the body will still attempt to maintain its set point weight. Even if exercise routines are maintained, it is difficult to maintain significant fat or weight loss by simply increasing physical activity.


3D HiFU: What is it & What are the Benefits?


3D HiFU (Skin Lifting) is the most advanced &  non-invasive tummy fat removal treatment that helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite and stubborn fat deposits.


This revolutionary approach uses ultrasound energy to break down and liquefy stubborn fats, which are then removed through natural bodily functions. The 3D-HiFU machine delivers targeted deep-tissue heating, which can help stimulate collagen production and improve circulation. 


This treatment is entirely safe! As long as you follow our recommendations, there will be no risk of injury or annoying side effects. There is no downtime; you can resume your work or normal activities immediately after the treatment session. 


Finally, it works! You will see results very quickly, even within the first few weeks, and continuously see improvements over time until your body gets rid of all the extra fat stored inside your body!


Trying (and failing) to lose those pesky 10 pounds for months? We present 3D Lifestyle, a team of highly trained professionals to assist you in getting the personal attention you deserve. Visit our nearest center, and we will work with you to help you achieve your belly fat reduction goals.


If you’re interested in trying out this tummy reduction treatment, Fill out this form to book a Free Consultation.

You can also call at 021 111 232 889.

Exclude Extra Fat Layers: Ultrasonic Fat Melting Solution

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

Extra fat (especially) around the belly is becoming very common in Pakistan. According to the interesting stats by World Health Organization (WHO), 26% of Pakistani women are overweight and 19% of men in Pakistan are overweight. If you are a man and your waist is less than 40 inches, congrats you are healthy. Furthermore, if your waist is more than that, you will be in the obesity range. Also, if you are a woman and your waist is less than 35 inches you are a healthy person but if it’s more than this range you are going into the overweight category. 

How Can You Get An Effective Fat Loss Solution?

Every person who ever wanted to lose belly fat wished to have a magical solution that can help them to melt down pounds away. If you are the one who wished for any magical body fat reduction treatment, 3D Lifestyle can make your wishes true. *DRUMROLL* We have 3D Cavitation – Fat Melting Treatment for you. 

3D Cavitation Treatment

It’s an ultimate body fat reduction treatment that helps you to melt down the multiple fat layers under your skin. The melted fat is then excreted out from the body through a natural process of excretion. It is ideal for body contouring, it targets deep cellulite and helps melt down fat layers without any surgical procedure. 

With 3D Cavitation, you can lose up to 5 inches and can see visible results in a few sessions. There is one more thing to amaze you, it requires no downtime. 

Let’s stop these growing waistlines now before it gets too late. But remember, it’s never too late to start focusing on your health. Book a FREE CONSULTATION with our aesthetic consultants now.

Blast Your Bingo Wings In Minutes

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

Have long sleeves become your go-to choice? Don’t need to hide those wobbly arms anymore. It’s time to firm up those saggy arms. Now, hold yourself tight and get ready to banish those bingo wings in just a few minutes. It sounds crazy. We know, right? 

The upper arms and shoulders are one of the most challenging parts to tone up and the first to give away age.

Do you know? According to an analysis of a WHO study, half of Pakistan’s population is overweight and most women have fat on their arms due to poor eating habits, lack of exercise and genetics. But, most importantly! Bingo wings may occur naturally in overweight people because some people don’t have muscle definition which can cause a loose skin and saggy fat layer under the arm. 

How to get rid of Bingo Wings?

To reduce bingo wings you need more muscles and less fat in your arm. Having extra fat under your arms can make it difficult for you to wear sleeveless & shoulder-less shirts?  But! You do not need to panic because a few exercises for you can help you to get rid of extra layers of fat lying under the arm.  

  • Focus on overall weight loss
  • Do more cardio exercises
  • Do bodyweight exercises

The Best Form Of Bingo Wing Removal

Are you tired of doing hard exercises in the gym for long hours? And, still not getting the desired results? If yes then this treatment is no lesser than a reward for you. 3D Lifestyle has 3D Cryolipolysis treatment for you. It is also known as the Fat Freezing treatment.

The extra fat on the can be particularly noticeable when the arms are moved, raised and shaken, hence named “Bingo Wings”. 3D Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive treatment that targets localized fat and reduces it up to 20% – 40% in that specific area. This ultimate treatment works best for stubborn arm fat and gives visible results. 3D Cryolipolysis is FDA approved and safe from any adverse effects. 

So, what are you waiting for?  Here you can book a FREE CONSULTATION with our Aesthetic Consultants to blast those extra fat bingo wings.


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