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Archive for June, 2022

Summer Skincare – Handle Oily Skin With 3D Hydra Facials

Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

Summers are at their peak and we all know that humid hot temperatures bring oily skin which leads us to uninvited acne breakouts and sweaty skin, to be more straightforward it’s the oil that floats on our skin. As we know, it is hard to escape from Mr. Sunny, waiting outside in the sky all day long.

Everyone loves that one ray of sun to put a spark on our face to get that perfect sun-kissed picture. But in reality, no one wants that extra love from Mr. Sunny, especially when it’s 47C degrees in major cities of Pakistan. Staying in the sun can be problematic because the humidity and temperature can trigger sebaceous glands which produce more oil.

Oily skin and summers are not a very good combination. Do you agree? A Huge YES to this from our side. Let us share something very interesting with you! Upgrading your skincare products is not a solution to beat this summer heat. Therefore, we have the best plan for you, 3D Lifestyle’s exclusive Hydra Facials.

Tips to Take Care of Oily Skin in Summer

Taking care of your skin in summer is as important as it is in winter. Because oily skin makes your pores clogged and enlarged which results in the accumulation of dead skin cells and acne breaks out.

  • Apply a light moisturizer – it is very important in summers too.
  • Don’t wash your face too often
  • Use blotting paper
  • Exfoliating your skin cautiously
  • Apply Sunscreen
  • Watch what you eat and drink

Oily skin can be a blessing in disguise! Oily skin can prevent early signs of aging. But excessive production of sebum can cause a breakout. If you are the one who is struggling with oily skin during summer. Don’t worry; we are always here to help you. Let’s tackle your oily skin concerns to flaunt the beautiful-looking skin this season.

Ideal Summer Skincare – 3D Hydra Facials

3D Hydra Facials are medical-grade facial treatments that help you to cleanse and hydrate skin without any side effects or irritation. Our ultimate HydraFacials are not like ordinary ones. They resurface, exfoliate, and hydrate your skin completely. That’s not it, they also treat multiple skin concerns like:

  • Treating oily skin
  • Treat acne issues
  • Improve vibrancy of skin tone
  • Detoxifies skin
  • Unclog clogged pores
  • Reduce wrinkles and fines lines

The addition of Hydra Facial should be your ultimate skincare goal this mango season.

Get FREE skincare consultation with the best Aesthetic Consultants at Pakistan’s Leading Medical Aesthetic Brand, 3D Lifestyle

To get an appointment, visit 3D Lifestyle today.

Junk Food Slows Down Your Metabolism. Agree or Not?

Monday, June 27th, 2022

Do you ever feel that there is no junk food in the diet plan for weight loss? The food you eat can increase or decrease your metabolism because our body requires specific energy to digest refined ingredients in food including pizza, burgers, fries, and donuts which delays the activity of the stomach and causes uninvited layers of fat around our body. Therefore, weight loss diet plans do not have junk foods on menus. Junk foods are low in nutrients and high in unhealthy fats (processed oils and butter that clog arteries) and bad carbs (white flour, rice, and carbonated drinks) that increase the risk of heart disease and cause unintentional weight gain.

Do you know? About 1/3rd of Pakistanis eat and buy fast food between 6 pm to 9 pm. Isn’t it strange? We all love to have a large bag of chips, and a big cup of our favorite carbonated drink and how can we forget family-size pizza for a weekend night. We know it tastes heavenly and our tongues love that blast of flavors. Ask yourself a question, do our bodies feel the same? Junk food is widely available and convenient for everyone. The price range fluctuates a lot, therefore almost everybody can afford it. Multiple studies on fast food and human health show that eating fast food more than twice a week can increase the risk of diabetes, blood pressure, and uncontrolled body weight.

Five quick ways to boost your metabolism

  • Drink more water – water will fill up your stomach for a longer time which means delays in hunger.
  • Increase your protein intake by eating more meat and eggs – protein requires more energy to digest which causes the burning of more calories.
  • Avoid prolonged sittings – food takes longer to digest when you are sitting because in a resting position our stomach slowdowns its processes.
  • Get adequate sleep – sleep helps our brain to release hormones that help in the digestion of food.
  • Exercise a little – exercising allows body organs to work fully and it helps in the proper digestion of food.

Changing your dietary habits is the best thing you can do for yourself. So, help yourself in deciding to choose 3D NutriHealth to get a diet plan for weight loss. Our nutrition consultants can provide you with highly effective weight loss diet ideas and weight loss diet plans that can help you to prevent diseases that have a direct link with our dietary habits like obesity and diabetes.

You can book your consultations now. So, why wait more to get healthy.

To get an appointment, visit 3D Lifestyle today.


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