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Posts Tagged ‘ Skin Care Routine ’

Turning Thirty – Make Your Skin Look Downright Gorgeous

Monday, June 7th, 2021

Twenties are considered a prime time in every individual’s lifetime. Especially for women, but then all of a sudden you’re hit by the fact of turning Thirty and you start thinking what are the odds of you being carefree about your skin care? Well, there are NONE! You feel excessively worried about hair removal, your unsolicited breakouts, and the stress of addressing the elephant in the room, YOU START AGING!

You definitely cannot stop the aging process, but what you can do is age with all your grace and beauty. Some essentials for a guideline, that one should abide by regularly are;

  • Maintain the fluids on a scale of one to ten, ten being the most important, you should make it a ten to consume loads of water and other healthy fluids throughout the day to make your skin look fresh and glowy. Carbonated drinks would only bring more damage to your entire body because you’re not getting any younger.
  • Being conscious of your skincare products is important. You should be aware of the products and the ingredients it has that you would, eventually, be applying to your skin. 
  • Can’t skip taking off make-up even for a single night. Turning thirty also gives you an ultimatum to start opting for taking off make-up routine when you’re about to go to bed at night, because those wrinkles, skin allergies, and horrendous blemishes won’t show up uninvited (yeah it gets pretty hectic, turning thirty).
  • You need a balanced diet because it becomes kind of a compulsion. Having fibrous foods, greens, and vitamins can really help one to maintain good skin and health. So, in short, an individual is better off without pizzas and molten lava cakes (especially while binge-watching a season during midnight, we all have been there). 

3D Lifestyle Works It All Out For You

As being Pakistan’s leading Medical Aesthetics brand, we are all about making individuals feel good about their appearance and health. Our advanced skincare technology makes it a lot easier for you to get the best-customized experience that makes you get rid of your concerns.

Taking care of your skin becomes a lot easier with 11-Step 3D Hydra Plus Facial and 3D Ultra Glow to restore your natural glow. Whether it be hair removal or fat reduction, our team of experts, from an easy-to-follow diet plan to providing you with the best treatment results, make sure that you don’t have to worry about aging at all. 


So turning thirty worries can rest as all you need to do BOOK FREE CONSULTATION RIGHT NOW!

Call 021 111 232 889 and you can also Visit Home Page to book your appointment.

Post-Wedding Glow – Let’s Manage Skin Care Alongside Festivities

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

Weddings in south Asian countries are literally no joke. In Pakistan, starting from getting the perfect Dholki floral decorations to your statement wedding Lehenga and Sherwani, it’s hectic work that happens round the clock. With all these all-over-the-place yet joyful festivities, people are extra cautious with their skincare because, to be honest, no one wants or deserves to pop a pimple paying a visit on their skin out of nowhere, on their wedding day or even someone else’s. 

With the in-law’s dinners and meet-ups, for women, it gets a bit over the top hectic to manage their skincare routine. To have a presentable and pleasant appearance, women tend to wear makeup with every outfit for post-wedding family events. Caking up has never paid off well to anyone, so the results are breakouts, dull, and irritated skin. 

Tips & Tricks for Skin Care?

While managing a good skincare routine alongside all events (let’s not forget the ones including oily desi foods) our skin tolerates A LOT! More than hard work, taking care of your skin involves smart work. Let’s go through some fundamentals of skincare in a desi post-wedding situation;

  • Moisturizing your skin is the key. Wearing loads of makeup won’t stop, obviously, but moisturizing skin after taking off your makeup can definitely do some major damage control.
  • Eat Clean, which is almost impossible with all the sweets and Chicken Karahis, but taking vitamin supplements and drinking loads of water would help with breakout because, for real, Gulab Jamun & Chamcham showing on the skin won’t look tasty, AT ALL! 
  • Sleeping Well is crucial if you really want to manage your skincare properly. 

3D Lifestyle – Here To Save The Day

When we talk about doing smart work rather than hard work for skincare, 3D Lifestyle comes in and has viable solutions for your concerns. Our 3D Ultra Glow Facial makes sure that you get to experience a natural long-lasting glow for your skin right after your first session in just 30 MINUTES! 

Our experts have got you covered for dull and dry skin with our famous 7-Step 3D Hydra Facial & with the top-notch, 11-Step 3D HydraPlus Facial, that gets rid of the antioxidants in a single go!

On top of it, our team of expert doctors is here for your queries, so that you can manage your skincare routine in an efficient and customized way. 

So, it’s pretty simple from here on because all you gotta do is BOOK FREE CONSULTATION right now! Call 021 111 232 889 and you can also Visit Home Page to book your appointment.

How to Build A Skin Care Routine?

Thursday, May 20th, 2021

Don’t wake up all surprised if you have a couple of pimples and blemishes paying visit out of nowhere if you have not been giving your skin the proper care it deserves. Just before EID if you get any bumps, bruises, pimples, or dual toned skin – well won’t that be a BUMMER?!

Taking care of skin can be a bit hectic for people after a long day. Good products for your skin and the proper application of them can really determine the overall health of your skin. Skin care products can be a bit tricky to use as you have to sort them according to their formulas and the order of application. Skin products take their time to penetrate into your skin so the key is to go from thinnest ones to the thickest formulas. 

Skin Care

Building up a routine for skin care requires consistency, determination, and your knowledge about your skin. You  need to know your skin type, texture, color, and any dos and don’ts for your skin. 

If you are looking for your skin tone and texture to function at its best, you have got to build a base that comprises fundamentals like CLEANSING, TONING, & MOISTURIZING

Before we get into the details of skin care steps, important question is 

What Is My Skin Type?

Not less than any quest, but taking care of your skin and actually knowing the type can really help you in looking for the best suited products and build a regimen for your skin. 

The usual skin types are

Dry Skin feels tight after cleansing and is prone to peeling, flaking, redness, & wrinkles.
Oily Skin has shiny skin, wide pores, and tends to have more blemishes and blackheads.
Combination Skin tends to have medium sized pores, has healthy color, & has a good circulation to it. Normally the oily areas are within the T-Zone and cheeks are a bit dry.
Sensitive has fine pores with delicate texture. Due to the sensitivity it can be a really easy target of rash, blemishes etc. 


Fundamentals Of Skin Care

The best and doable skin care routine comprises of the following steps 

  • Cleansing
  • Toning
  • Serum Application 
  • Moisturizing 
  • Sunscreen Application

Above mentioned steps are considered to be the best fundamentals to create a strong foundation for a proper skin care regimen. These steps can come with variations for different skin types. Here comes in the expert advice of a Dermatologist, someone that can guide an individual to make their skin feel and look better. Here at 3D Lifestyle we have certified Dermatologist and Aesthetic Consultants helping you in figuring out the best routine to follow for a better skin, more like an UPGRADE! 

It’s time to make your skin look glorious with our experts’ advice at 3D Lifestyle, without any complicated confusions and myths attached to skin care.



Call 021 111 232 889 and grab yourself a chance to look a better, upgraded version of yourself! 


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    Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person based on active and strict observation of serving regimen and are not guaranteed.