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Archive for October, 2022

Autumn is an Ideal Season For Gentle Skin Peel

Thursday, October 27th, 2022

One of the most common cosmetic procedures is the chemical peel/gentle skin peel. They can be gentle, giving your skin a healthy, fresh look, or they can be “aggressive,” removing years from your appearance.


Multiple layers of epidermal cells make up the outer layer of the skin or epidermis. These cells act as a protective barrier against the environment, shielding deeper, more delicate tissues, maintaining a constant temperature, and protecting against dehydration.


Your skin dries out quickly in colder weather and when there is less humidity in the air. Chemical peels are designed to remove the top layer of dry, damaged skin to reveal smoother, more hydrated skin beneath. A gentle skin peel essentially makes it easier for new cells to grow. 


All skin types and ages can benefit from chemical peels/gentle skin peel

  • Increases skin tone, color, clarity, and texture
  • Reduces acne-related scarring 
  • Increases skin hydration
  • Reduces sun damage-related discoloration
  • Leaves skin smoother and younger-looking


What Chemical Peel Should I Get?

It should come as no surprise that your skin type will have a major impact on the type of chemical peel you should get. See the chemical peels 3D Lifestyle recommends for each skin type. 

3D Acne Cure – Salicylic Acid Skin Peel

If you have oily skin or pores that are large, frequent breakouts, redness, tightness, and irritation may occur. The Salicylic Acid Skin Peel is the one that would benefit someone with the mentioned skin characteristics. That’s because salicylic acid is oil-soluble. This means it can penetrate through oil and into the pore lining to clear blockages and prevent breakouts from forming.

3D Clear Skin – Glycolic Acid Skin Peel

People often experience enlarged pores, blackheads, occasional mild breakouts, and tight and/or irritated skin. The 3D Glycolic acid skin peel is effective for removing blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples from the skin. Glycolic acids, which are water-soluble, will digest dead skin cells on the surface. They also help to reduce pore size. Consistent and repeated use of glycolic acid skin peel has been shown to be effective in removing acne scars from the skin.

The best time to book your appointment for the ` at 3D Lifestyle is now. So don’t delay; schedule your appointment right away by clicking the form below.

Non Invasive Tummy Fat Removal – 4 Best Ways

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

When it comes to non-invasive tummy fat removal treatments, there’s a lot of information out there to digest. Making the best choices for those trying to lose weight can therefore be difficult.


Safe and effective fat removal from the body is a long-term effort. People who lose weight quickly by following the latest fad diet, starving themselves, or going overboard in the gym usually gain all or most of the weight they lost. Ready for non-invasive tummy fat removal treatment? Here are a dozen effective and scientifically supported ways to support fat removal from the body.

1. Eat More Good Fats

Tummy fat reduction treatments are hard to do. Therefore, instead of eating a low-fat diet, focus on eating beneficial “goods.” Consume heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats by eating fish, olives and olive oil, eggs, nuts, nut butter, seeds, and dark chocolate. Meanwhile, avoid trans fats, which are found in fried foods, margarine, baked goods, and processed snack foods.

2. Drink More Water

Drink more water. Drinking water is essential for burning off fat from food and drink, as well as stored fat. Nutrition research found that increased water intake led to an increase in the breakdown of fat and a reduction of new fat growth, which helped in tummy fat reduction.

3. Pump Up the Protein

Diets high in quality proteins can help you lose body fat by promoting the feeling of fullness, helping you retain muscle mass while fat removal from the body increases the diet-induced burning off of calories from digestion.


4. How about 3D’s Fat Reduction Treatment?

Tummy fat reduction is possible now! Yes, you heard it right. Lose belly fat without dieting or exercise. Consider 3D fat reduction treatments if the previously mentioned options are not effective for you. 3D Cavitation (Fat Melting Treatment) and 3D Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing Treatment) are two components of the 3D Fat Reduction Treatment that will give you non-invasive tummy fat removal.

*Conditions and limitations apply.


To visit our website and book an appointment right away, please complete the form below. 

3 Treatments For Acne Scars That Do Wonders

Tuesday, October 11th, 2022

It is estimated that people seek treatment for acne for a cost of between 10,000 PKR – 40,000 PKR. Even after an acne breakout is under control, many patients are left with a residual acne scar. Every scar is different. Treating acne can be a long process and may require a lot of patience. We know acne can be problematic, but the first thing a patient needs to do is be calm and then find a solution that will prevent future breakouts and treat scars. 


Let’s Look Deep Into It

When a breakout occurs, it penetrates the skin and causes damage to the tissue beneath it. Scarring occurs when collagen is produced in excess or insufficiently during the healing process. The best first step for any patient is to calm any existing acne breakouts and find solutions. This important step will help reduce the amount of residual scarring left to treat. 


Acne Scar Treatment 


3D AcneCure Peel

Salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) found in 3D AcneCure, effectively targets the oil glands. It is great for congested or acne-prone skin, as salicylic acid is oil-soluble so it gets deep into your pores to clear the blockage of oil or dirt.

Furthermore, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe inflamed acne, blackheads, and oily skin. 3D AcneCure Peel normally shows results after 4 to 6 sessions.


3D ScarFree (PRP + Microneedling)

3D ScarFree is an ideal treatment for acne scarring. It helps the skin to create new, healthy collagen to reduce textural issues. Microneedling is a gradual process. PRP is a great addition to micro-needling for the treatment of acne scars and can be injected or applied topically. PRP increases collagen production and speeds recovery time. By injecting PRP, we can help break up the fibrous bands that bind scars together.




3D PRP ReJUVE is a micro-needling skin rejuvenation procedure that injects your own plasma into your skin and combines the advantages of improved collagen production, enhanced skin tone and texture, and protection to fight all antioxidants at once.


Your Treatment Plan


If you are concerned with acne scars and are still wondering about the best treatment for you, we recommend you visit the 3D Lifestyle center near you and get a chance to book a FREE consultation. At 3D Lifestyle, we have certified and well-experienced dermatologists. The key to getting successful results is having a treatment plan and someone who can monitor your journey. 


Fill out the form below to visit our website and make an appointment right away. 


Laser Hair Removal: Hair Reduction Solution for Men & Women 

Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

If you’re like most people, your seemingly never-ending battle with unwanted hair involves shaving, waxing, and plucking. Everywhere, men and women spend countless hours each year on different hair removal techniques that all need ongoing care and upkeep. 

Have you ever wished there was a quick, simple, long-lasting solution to getting rid of unwanted body or facial hair? Lucky for you! The expert team of aesthetic consultants at 3D Lifestyle has helped countless patients achieve smooth, flawless, long-lasting results with 3D TrilogyICE Permanent Hair Removal. 

What body parts are suitable for laser hair removal?

In what areas can the procedure be used? This is a question that is frequently asked by those considering laser hair removal. 3D TrilogyICE Permanent Hair Removal is very efficient, but it’s also mild enough to be applied to even delicate body parts. Traditionally, the body parts that receive laser hair removal the most frequently are:

  • Full Face/Facial Area
  • Full Body
  • Arms 
  • Legs   
  • Chest, Belly & Back
  • Bikini Area & Bikini Line (Females only)
  • Upper Lips & Chin
  • Beard & Neck Line 
  • Face Sides 
  • Chest (Males)
  • Cheeks
  • Unibrows
  • Ears
  • Front of Neck
  • Shoulders


Facial Hair Removal

Tired of regular waxing, tweezing, and bleaching of facial hair? Try our TrilogylCE facial hair removal treatment, which is equipped with 3L wavelengths that target every kind of hair, large or small, thick or thin, and will make your skin flawless.


Upper Body Hair Removal

Waxing, plucking, and shaving can be time-consuming, expensive, and tiresome. Get rid of unwanted hair with our TrilogylCE Permanent Hair Removal Treatment, which removes all types of hair and is effective for all skin types.

Lower Body Hair Removal (Only for Females)

Our laser treatment is the best in town! TrilogyICE incorporates multiple laser wavelength technology that targets both thick and thin hair, making your skin smoother and clearer.

Full Body Hair Removal 

Are you tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing? Do you experience acne-like breakouts or razor bumps after removing unwanted hair? Our newest non-invasive procedure can help you get rid of unwanted hair.


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    Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person based on active and strict observation of serving regimen and are not guaranteed.