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Pimples on Face Reasons & Cures – 3D Lifestyle’s Way to Acne Treatment

Friday, November 15th, 2024
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Pimples on Face Facts, Causes & Acne Treatment | All Explained by 3D Lifestyle

Dark circles under eyes are also known as periorbital dark circles or dark under eye circles.

Dark circles mean that the skin below the eyes appears to be darkens. This area may appear as hue shades of blue, purple, brown or black if you are of naturally dark skin tone. If you have it then you may appear to be sleepy or perhaps even older that your actual age.

Often, when you experience dark circles on or around your eyes, there is no need to worry. But you might wish to make the circles under your eyes look less conspicuous for cosmetic purposes. This is why 3D Lifestyle brings you the best dark circles treatment and answers you how to remove dark circles. 

Let’s begin for dark circles remove facts and dark circles remedies!

Why Acne on Face? Causes of Acne on Face/Pimples on Face?

The blockage within the hair follicle is due to exfoliation of skin cells, oil or sebum ejected from the oil-forming gland via narrow channel into the hair follicle. Reasons of acne on face include:

» Sebum, or oil, is formed by sebaceous glands which are located in the upper layer of skins and acts as skin coats. This is one of the major acne on face reasons. 

» Dead skin cells: Normally, the skin loses the outer dead cells to give way to new skin cells. This shedding within a hair follicle can lead to the accumulation and subsequent blockage of the hair follicle thereby creating pimples on face formation, redness and inflammation, making it as one of an obvious acne causes on face.

» Bacteria: The sebaceous glands and hair follicles that are a part of the skin carry bacteria that actually lead to the buildup of blockages and cause acne. One of the face pimples reasons.

» Inflammation and the immune response: Anti-bacterial agents in the body get triggered by bacterial infection or some substance getting into the body, causing tissue inflammation and red, swollen acne or pimples on face.

Face Acne Causes -Causes of Pimples on Face in Adults?

Acne breakout on face is due to a variety of both internal and external factors, which can be a single cause of acne prone skin or a combination of several factors, such as:

Internal Factors for Pimples on Face

Fluctuations in hormone levels, for instance increased androgen during puberty, or before the menstrual period, may also cause the sebaceous glands to secrete more oil, which piles up the blockage and causes breakouts on face.

The effects are perceived during pregnancy or in the premenstrual phase – increased levels of progesterone during pregnancy or in the phase before menstruation may cause inflammation of hair follicles and the formation of acne pores or breakout skin.

» Genetics: Some other factors include – skin pimple face in the family history causing skin breakouts in the next generations.

» Some conditions for instance PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

» Stress: When stressed, the cortisol level rises, and this will lead to pimples on face and acne production.

External Factors for Pimples on Face

» Sugary products, chocolates, or starchy foods can cause pimple on face. However, the food that induces acne flare differs with individuals.

» Certain medications, thus; corticosteroids, testosterone, lithium, and others may affect facial hair growth.

» Most cosmetics and skincare products including face powder or some creams may lead to skin irritation, allergy or blockage of acne pores.

» Airborne materials like, dust, fumes, air borne particulate matter PM 2.5 or unclean environments

» Some conditions such as hot and high humidity weather condition can cause pimple on face.

What are the Symptoms of Pimples on Face?

 You’ll most commonly notice skin breakouts on your:

» Pimples on face and neck

» back

» shoulders

» chest

Acne makes the skin look like rough scales on the face making it hard to have a silk like skin. You might also experience:

» hyperpigmentation and erythema, such as darkening, discolouration and spots or redness of the skin

» swelling and inflammation

» increased sensitivity, pain and tenderness if touched or not.

» Acne breakouts could also lead to development of scar or skin discoloration on the skin.

There is a risk of leaving scars behind if you pop the pimples on face, so do not squeeze — even if you feel like it’s necessary to remove the pimple as soon as possible — and follow the acne treatment tips instead.

Acne Types on Face - 7 Types of Acne & Acne Treatment

There are 2 main types of acne. The classifications are non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne.

Non-inflammatory Acne


Comedones are types of acne stemmed from build up of sebum, keratinocytes or debris in the hair follicle ducts. There are 2 comedone types:

» Whiteheads are prickly and closed comedones developing from internal influences like hormones, obstructions due to oil glands, shed skin cells or hereditary jug. Some of the factors that are external are birth control pills, cosmetics, dust, air pollution giving rise to white bumps under the skin ultimately caused by inflamed acne. Comedones treatment/acne treatment is explained as under.

» Blackheads are open comedones consist of the plug formed by sebum, hair, and dead skin cells which have been oxidized and melanin in the skin to become black. Blackheads are the most usual or mild form of acne attacking most of the people at sometime in their lives. It should also be treated by acne treatment specific to it.

Pimples on Face

It is a condition common to the face and it presents itself as small bristle made by a hair follicle that contains many small hair tufts within one hole. It is characterized with the blockage of hair follicle by fat and other dead skin cells. Acne treatment is explained under.

Acne Aestivalis 

Also known as Acne Mallorca, is an open-head acne that is provoked by UVA radiation and heat – coming from sun exposure or hot temperatures, and it looks like a small a pimple-like nodule, or red, bumps inflamed acne.

Inflammatory Acne


It is an inflammatory acne that is dark red to purple but in most cases darker than the natural skin color. They are abnormal pimples, often resulting from whiteheads in breach by the bacteria that cause severe inflammation and needs serious acne treatment attention.

Pustules or Yellowheads 

It refers to inflamed acne that presents as a large, red, and raised base on which yellow, pus-filled inflammatory acne. It develops when white blood cells that have ingested bacteria die and release inflammation and pus. Pustules are may be small and can also be large in size and thus it needs acne treatment to be followed.

Swelling or Acne Nodules 

They are extra vicious forms of inflammatory pimples developing beneath the skin layers. They resemble the larger versions of cystic acne but are smaller, with red nodules that feel like hard lumps under the skin without a head. It’s most common on the face, back, and chest. Acne treatment for nodules takes time and may result in scarring.

Malassezia Folliculitis 

It is a skin condition characterized by inflammation of hair follicles as a result of fungal infections by Malassezia organisms. It looks like red bumps that cause itching and is precipitated by heat episodes or humidity and, a compound health-weakening factor.

Acne Conglobata 

It is an extensive nodular acne defined as large solid nodules of acne at start from inflammatory tribulation of sebaceous glands under skin of face generating more seb than normal till the sebum is blocked, the painful swollen acne without even the pressure. The pain can spread to the skin surrounding the area, and may not be short-lived. For this reason, seeking a dermatologist’s help to diagnose in acne treatment would be in order.

Acne Cysts 

They are very large, red and swollen papules with localized pustular lesions which are evidently filled with pus and blood. They develop because of worsening inflammation that is located beneath the skin. Acne cysts are considered the most painful since many of its heads are rounded, closely grouped together to make a solid cyst that can increase in size. If not treated, it may cause chronic acne, skin scarring or huge skin indentations referred to as potato skin like holes.

Getting a Diagnosis for Acne Treatment/Pimples on Face

So if you are considering you might have acne it would be advisable to seek medical opinion and consultation from a licensed dermatologist. 3D Lifestyle, the UK’s no. 1 Medical & Aesthetic Brand comes up with a leading team of professional and skilled dermatologists always there to help you in cost-effective prices with no compromise on quality. 

Call us at 021 111 232 889 or visit your nearest 3D Lifestyle branch to book FREE Consultation for acne treatment or pimples on face. 

Our dermatologists can diagnose you without needing to take a skin scraping. They can also distinguish between the different kinds of lesion and how severe more particular in order to create a treatment option that are suitable for you.

Skin Acne Treatment - Face Acne Treatments Explained!

The objectives of acne vulgaris treatment is therefore to minimise inflammation, prevent new spot formation. Available acne treatment option includes oral and topical drugs, and the choice depends on the acne type, age, and severity. The use of these drugs is meant to help minimize the secretion of sebum, equalize the routine shedding of skin cells, kill bacteria, and decrease inflammation.

Topical medications:

» The topical antibiotics like benzoyl peroxide can be used in conjunction with other topical products to work against bacteria and decrease sebum secretion.

» Derivatives of vitamin A or retinoids are used in treating acne and skins marks that often accompany acne. They help in moderating ofepidermis cells’ shedding and preventing frequent reappearance of acne. Such remedies can also be applied to make the acne scars less visible.

» Azelaic acid and salicylic acid possess antibacterial activity, cause dissolution of blackheads and whiteheads and decrease rate of cell shedding in the hair follicles.

Oral medications:

» Antibiotics reduce bacterial proliferation and inflammation processes slowing them down or stopping them fully. Inflammatory or persistent pimples on face acne of moderate to severe can be treated using oral antibiotics with topical agents.

» Pill helps control hormonal levels, and androgen hormones are one of the causes of acne in females.

» Retinoids or isotretinoin, a vitamin A derivative, is effective in management of acne as it unclogs hair follicles to allow other agents to work, reduces the formation of new acne and even acne scar formation.

The selection of the acne treatments provided depends on the condition of the person and is thus up to the dermatologist.

Acne Treatments - At 3D Lifestyle (UK’s no.1 Aesthetic Brand!)

For those with severe inflammatory acne and for patients who have not responded to topical and/or systemic therapy. Our dermatologists may consider other treatment options, such as:

LED Light Therapy: This entails exposure to high intensity LED light designed to prompt skin cell division as well as to minimize wrinkle formation. 3D lifestyle offers LED Light therapies for mild to severe pimples on face.

Chemical Peels: This treatment involves the application of chemicals that make people remove the dead skin cells in order to grow new skin cells. By applying chemical substances, this treatment involves removing the skin layers with dead skin cells and encourage the growth of new skin cells.

We offer Salicylic Acid peel (Aka, AcneCure Peel), and Glycolic Acid Peel to treat different kinds of acne breakouts and skin breakouts.

Steroid injection: For very inflamed pimples, doctors may prescribe an intracin injection of steroids that will fasten the healing process and numb the pain. Nevertheless, the problem that might occur as an undesirable result is that the skin becomes thinner and the treated area gets darker.

Face PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma): We use patient’s own blood to create minute punctures on skin and inject the plasma separated from his own blood. This boosts collagen production on skin, treats acne and open pores and gives a wrinkle or scar-free skin. 

3D ScarFree Treatment (PRP+Microneedling): For microneedling, DermaPen, Derma Roller, or a similar device is used by the treatment doctor. The device is gently glided into the skin which penetrates the skin layers, treating the wrinkles, fine lines, and scars.

Prevention Management Tips:

Below are some various care tips for the skin with acne or for skins that are inclined to develop acne.

» Cleanse your face no more often than twice a day with lukewarm water and a special non-abrasive soap for the face.

» The pimples should not be rubbed, scratched or squeezed as this only forces the infection deeper, leading to more blocking, inflammation and reddening.

» Do not suggest that you should pop pimples because doing so is more likely to cause scars.

» For instance, the specialist can remove a pimple that has to be removed as early as possible since it is irritating the skin.

» Do not talk with the telephone placed next to the face, it might have contact with sebum and skin.

» Avoid making unnecessary contact with the face especially when hands are not clean, avoid applying lotions creams or makeup with unwashed hands.

» Spectacles should be cleaned often as they accumulated sebum and skin deposits.

» If the acne is on the back, shoulders or chest, wear baggy clothes because this will allow for the skin to breathe. Do not wear restrictive facial accessories like headbands, caps or scarves or if used they should be washed.

» Select makeup for sensitive skin and avoid those products that are based on oils. It is necessary to take makeup off before going to bed.

» Wash hair often because hair carries sebum as well as skin debris. Do not wash the hair with products containing cocoa butter as well as other greasy preparations.

» One should also avoid exposing himself or herself under direct sunlight for long as the skin will produce more sebum. Some of the drugs used in the treatment of acne make the skin sensitive to sunburn another kind.

» Do not get stressed because stressing leads to production of cortisol and adrenalines which are real culprits of acne.

» Avoid the dangerous effects of hot and humid climate by sweating, therefore try to keep cool and dry.

A Care Note from 3D Lifestyle Clinic

Acne is actually the worldwide prevalent skin disorder and can affect one’s psychological well-being through their self-esteem. If you are struggling with acne, you should consult a doctor or a dermatologist for your acne. Occasionally the acne needs to be treated in order to fade away with a medication if acne treatment at home is not helpful.

As much as possible refrain from touching the facial area especially where the acne is present so that you do not cause scar formation by ripping the pimples. Just bear in mind that acne is only a skin condition that can be treated effectively depending with a program suited to your skin.

Call us at 021 111 232 889 to book FREE Consultation today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

No, you should not squeeze, scratch or scratch pimples. Forcing pimple or acne to break can facilitate bacterial invasion, skin inflammation or lead to some sorts of skin scarring. 

It has been seen that it is impossible to avoid acne but a health care provider can guide you about the proper procedure.

The signs of acne can be whitehead, blackhead, cyst, nodule, pustule and redness, swelling or inflammation. 

Treatments depend on the type and severity of your acne, and can include:

Creams, ointments, and gels: Frequently these contain an ingredient called benzoyl peroxide which is used as a dryer. 

Topical antibiotics: These eradicates the germs that cause acne and also reduces the level of oil on the skin. 

Oral antibiotics: These can be used to treat wide portions of the skin that has affected spots.


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