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Am I a right candidate for a face lift?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

If your skin is starting to sag around your jowls and face, if you appear tired when you are not, or if you think you just don’t look as young as you feel, a facelift might be right for you.

How quickly will I notice a change?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Gradual improvement of the treated area may be seen following the first treatment. The skin’s surface may feel smoother, firmer and tighter. Results in circumference and cellulite reduction are most apparent 5-7 days after each treatment. Remember this is a process; you will need to be patient with your body and allow time to reveal your new shape.

Can I have a face lift and an eye lift at the same time?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Yes. It is often the case that patients need rejuvenation in both areas. Having both procedures in one treatment procedure reduces recovery time and eliminates the requirement and risk of additional treatment.

Will cholesterol and triglyceride levels increase after a treatment?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

There is no evidence that our body contouring treatment will cause an elevation of triglyceride or cholesterol levels. Our treatments are totally safe, and FDA proven.

What does a Contour Light treatment feel like?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

The Patient will lie on a treatment bed and the pads will be placed over the area to be treated. The system will be turned on and the patient will feel a slight warming sensation, but no pain or discomfort. Most patients can read or use their phone/portable device, while some will even take a short nap

What areas can be treated with 3D Fat Removal? And how many sessions are required?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

LifeStyle 3D body contouring treatments can be performed on the belly, love handles, back, thighs, and under the chin. A course of 6-8 treatments is recommended to achieve optimum results although your aesthetic consultant will tailor the best treatment plan for you.

Is contouring light device (3D ultimate) safe?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Yes. The light emitted by the Contour Light does not generate excessive heat and will not cause a burn. The light is very bright and should not be looked at directly for an extended period of time but is much safer than a laser device that can damage eyes with even a slight glance into the beam.

what is HIFU?

Tuesday, August 6th, 2019

HIFU (High intensity focused ultrasound)  is the latest technology in fat reduction and offers improved results in fat removal due to its precise nature, delivery and speed.

HIFU works by delivering a 24-line matrix of forced energy at a depth of 1.3cms to target the breakdown of fat in specific areas in the fastest time possible. The high frequency of ultrasound waves concludes with heating under the skin, this effectively destroys the fat cells and tightens the skin. The damaged fat cells are then naturally removed from the body within 3 months. HIFU results are permanent.

There are many benefits of the HIFU body treatment, for example, the treatment is completely non-surgical, painless, there is no risk of infection, it is clinically proven and safe, there is no need for anesthesia or sedation, the treatment provides a skin tightening effect and only one treatment is needed to see results.

Can I do it during my lunch break?

Wednesday, July 24th, 2019

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    Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person based on active and strict observation of serving regimen and are not guaranteed.