Amy Child’s recently hit back after being branded a ‘Hypocrite’ for appearing in our hard- hitting #DyingToBeBeautiful Campaign.
Setting the record straight- Amy posted on instagram:
“You may have seen my recent pic from @3DLipo’s#DyingToBeBeautiful campaign. Many people are calling me a hypocrite for getting involved in this campaign but I want to set the record straight. Being involved in this campaign doesn’t make me a hypocrite, it makes me educated. Yes, many people have pointed out I have in fact had surgery and I’m not going to deny that. I’ve always been open about the procedures I’ve had done and even more open about the mistakes I’ve made. The reason for me getting involved with this campaign is to highlight to young, impressionable girls and boys out there (like I was myself) that you shouldn’t rush into the decision to go under the knife to change your body like I did. Technology and times have come along way and there are so many safe and effective non-surgical alternatives on the market that come with no risks like 3D-Lipo. I want everyone to explore every option given to them before they make any decision to change their appearance. Research and stay safe always.”
Amy received a fantastic response with support from followers on Instagram and twitter.