Wednesday 16th September marked the official launch of 3D- skinmed. A launch party was held at The Academy of Medical Sciences which hosted a number of clinic owners, press, and celebrity guests.
The evening was a fantastic success with presentations from Roy Cowley, Managing Director & Paul Banwell FRCS (Plast) Director, The Banwell Clinic. New face of 3D- skinmed- Dawn Ward, was also present to explain to press why she is such a fan of this new treatment.
Guests had the chance to witness the great before & after results first hand, with Mr Banwell showcasing some fantastic results he has achieved with 3D- skinmed whilst trialling the treatment. The evening then led to a drinks and networking reception where a host of clinics, press had the chance to discuss this exciting new non- surgical (HIFU) facial over drinks and canapes.
‘It was a great privilege to be part of the launch for 3D-SkinMed at the Academy of Medical Sciences. High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) shows immense promise as a non surgical skin tightening technology. At the Banwell Clinic we have already had some great results and look forward to sharing our experience”