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3D- lipo Finalists for 3 Awards!

I’d like to share some exciting news with you! So far 3D- lipo has had a euphoric year, with the team working extremely to push the brand to new heights.

We are constantly developing the brand, our products, and heavily investing in PR to raise consumer awareness- This is all to support our clients. As a result of this we are being recognised in the industry as a market leader with no other company offering such investment and support.

It now seems that our hard work is paying off…! This year we are thrilled to announce that 3D- lipo is gaining the recognition that we truly believe it deserves! We have been made finalists for The Aesthetic Awards 2014, being shortlisted for not one, not two, but THREE awards!!

We would like to thank all of our clinics for supporting throughout the past year and ask kindly that you please vote for us by following the links above! This is fantastic for not only our brand, but for all of our clients who are providing these treatments at clinics, salons and spa’s.

We hope that you are excited as we are about this fantastic achievement for the brand !

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    Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person based on active and strict observation of serving regimen and are not guaranteed.