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Discover the Hair PRP Benefits | PRP Hair Treatment Cost, Procedure, and Results!

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PRP Treatment | Perks of PRP Hair Treatment | Hair PRP Benefits at 3D Lifestyle

Hair is a critical part of our lives as it helps define us and assists in boosting our self-esteem besides designing. However, hair loss and thinning has become a major issue, whether the person is a male or a female. 

You may have to come across PRP hair treatment, if you’re one of those. But what exactly is PRP treatment? And how can it be of help? What are the hair PRP benefits?

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment – this is what we are going to explore and discover what makes this method of hair restoration so amazing

What is PRP Hair Treatment?

PRP hair treatment is a special treatment where the hair growth is stimulated by the plasma from the patient’s blood. To begin, blood is withdrawn from the patient’s arm and it is spun in a centrifuge machine to obtain PRP. 

This plasma with such growth factors is made to be injected into your scalp; it tends to stimulate or activate hair follicles resulting in hair regrowth and even the boosting of the hair thickness.

Benefits of PRP for Hair

PRP has many benefits and is useful when it comes to hair growth. 

This treatment does not only support the growth of the hair from the roots but also improves the texture of hair strands thus making the hair healthier, lustful and shiny. Here are some key benefits:Here are some PRP benefits for hair:

Non-Surgical Solution: PRP hair treatment can be described as a hair rebuilding technique since it is one of the few ways used to treat baldness without undergoing surgery.

Natural Results: PRP treatment is a natural procedure because it involves the patient’s own blood; there is little to no risk of an allergic reaction.

Improved Hair Density: Seeing your hair become more thickly packed after consistent sessions of PRP treatment is one of the outcomes that can make your hair regain a feeling of being more full.

Enhanced Hair Quality: Apart from hair regrowth, PRP gives your hair a more youthful feel as it helps to decrease hair breakage and overall improves hair quality.

PRP Treatment for Hair Cost

Some of the common questions we receive are “How much PRP injection costs?“, “What is PRP hair treatment price?” 

The costs can differ based on the location and the clinic, the number of sessions the patient may need, and the clinic’s reputation. At 3D Lifestyle, we offer budget-friendly and cost-effective PRP options, ensuring that you receive high-quality care without breaking the bank.

Our PRP injection cost is highly subsided within your budget perfectly without compromising on its quality. We also provide the deals and offers that means you can enjoy your treatments at low prices, thus the total cost can be considerably lower.

Check onto our August 2024 Discount and Promotion page to browse through the latest Hair PRP Sep deals and offers! Or need help?CALL US at 021 111 232 889 or visit your nearest 3D Lifestyle center to get your queries answered!

PRP Treatment for Hair Cost

Another common question would be, “Does PRP regrow hair?” And yes, it does but it should be kept in mind that results differ from one person to person. Hair PRP treatment works especially for the individuals with first signs of hair shedding or alopecia. 

The way it functions is that it initiates the dead hair and wakes it up from a dormant state and helps it go back to the growth phase. Hair PRP treatment offers great benefits particularly with growing the hair density and quality, but it is not as efficient for those with severe baldness.

Female PRP Hair Treatment

Balding is not only a male problem but this is commonly seen in females too, and many women suffer from hair loss. PRP hair treatment for women can be a recommended treatment for women struggling to deal with androgenic alopecia, postpartum hair loss or any other type of hair loss that causes thinning of hair. 

It is similar to the treatment used with the males; patients undergo a PRP treatment where platelet-rich plasma is injected in the scalp for hair regrowing. The results? Our customers are blown away by witnessing the benefits of PRP for hair!

PRP for Hair Loss - What Procedure to Expect?

To assist those that want to acquire PRP for hair loss it is vital that they have information about what they should expect when they undergo the procedure. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

Consultation: First a consultation will be held with a hair restoration specialist who will evaluate your hair loss situation to decide if you qualify for the PRP.

Blood Draw: Approximately one to two teaspoons of blood are collected from a vein in your arm.

Centrifugation: The blood sample collected is subjected to a process of centrifugation in order to isolate the platelet rich plasma from other components in the blood sample.

Scalp Preparation: The skin on your scalp is first washed and made insensitive to pain and discomfort thus adding to the comfort of the operation.

PRP Injection: The concentrated PRP is then injected to the scalp in the areas having thin hair or areas that require hair growth.Post-Treatment Care: You could expect some of the lumps to become slightly swollen or painful, but such side effects are short-term only.

The Takeaway?

PRP hair treatment is a quite hopeful treatment option for people trying to stop their hair loss and get their hair thicker and denser. Owing to its non-invasive nature and utilization of the patient’s own blood, PRP emerges as a vastly beneficial treatment for males and females. 

Regardless of whether you are experiencing the first indications of hair thinning or want to improve the condition of your hair, PRP can open the doors to shiny and healthy hair fast. Call 3D Lifestyle today to find out how PRP will change your hair and what’s the expected cost.

We have the best dermatologists and Aesthetic Consultants who are Certified and Professionally trained to carry out the best, safer and guaranteed results possible! 

Ring us at 021 111 232 889 today to book your consultation or appointment with us!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Most patients require 3-4 sessions spaced about a month apart, followed by maintenance treatments every 6-12 months.

PRP is a safe procedure with minimal side effects, primarily due to using your own blood. Some patients may experience mild swelling or tenderness at the injection site.

Results can vary, but many patients start noticing improvements in hair texture and thickness within 3-6 months.

Yes, PRP can be used in conjunction with other treatments like minoxidil or hair transplants to enhance results.

While PRP is effective for many, it may not work for individuals with severe hair loss or certain medical conditions. A consultation with a specialist is essential to determine suitability.

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